5th Grade Newsletter

5th Grade Newsletter
Posted on 12/03/2024
5th Grade Newsletter

Team Contact Information

Mr. LaPorte [email protected] extension: 3731

Mrs. Albino [email protected] extension: 3731

Mrs. Butler [email protected] extension: 3728

Mrs. Reynolds [email protected] extension: 3728

Mrs. Urquia [email protected] extension: 3730

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, December 4: Late Start- School begins at 11:05

  • Monday, December 9: NO SCHOOL (District Institute Day)

  • Tuesday December 17: K-5 Holiday Concert

  • Friday December 20: Last Day Before Winter Break

Special Events

December PBIS rotations in the gym to celebrate Winter! :) Students will get an opportunity to engage in various activities.

Do not forget to join us for the Holiday Concert on Tuesday December 17th.

Social/Emotional Learning

Little Fort has developed a social emotional (SEL) support plan that is differentiated developmentally and culturally in order to address emotional growth. The following weeks we will be learning about empathy and assertiveness. We are very happy to inform you that Little Fort has put in place a great system to encourage students’ participation by giving them lifeguards for showing respect to property, others, themselves and learning. They can redeem their lifeguards for any of the amazing prizes on our Dolphin Menu.

Resource Information & more


This Unit examines the Renaissance. The Big Idea of this unit is that the Renaissance was a cultural movement that began in Italy and swept through Europe. During the Renaissance, increased trade between European countries led to increased wealth, power, and influence of the middle class. This increased wealth allowed merchants and businessmen to support artists as their patrons. Scholars, philosophers, and artists turned to the works of the ancient Greeks and Romans for inspiration. This unit provides students with a broad exposure to the art and literature of this time period, through the works of renowned masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, Brunelleschi, Botticelli, Bruegel, Dürer, Van Eyck, Machiavelli, Castiglione, Cervantes, and Shakespeare. 


During November, our Everyday Math Unit will be focusing on Decimal Concepts; Coordinate Grids. Students will extend their understanding of the base-10 place-value system to include decimals. They will read, write, and represent decimals through thousandths in a variety of ways and learn strategies to compare, order, and round decimals. They will also be introduced to the first quadrant of the coordinate grid and they will apply whole-number algorithms to add and subtract decimals. Students will also work on Dreambox in class for extra Math Practice.

95 Phonics

In volume 2, students will focus on silent-e, complex multisyllable words, as well as simple multisyllable words. We will review: closed, silent-e, open multisyllable, vowel teams, complex multisyllable, review: closed, silent-e, open, vowel teams multisyllable, consonant-le, multisyllable, vowel-r, multi syllable, review: vowel teams, constant-le, vowel-r multisyllable.

Social Studies/Science

In Social Studies/Science we will use Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts Language Studio. The fifth unit of Grade 5 Language Studio focuses on  identifying important features of the Renaissance from reading, discussion, and information. The Renaissance was a very important time in history with many great thinkers in Art, Science and knowledge. We will be exploring the many important scientific discoveries during this era.

Family Connection Corner

Ways to support Learning during Winter Break

Here are a few ways to support your child’s learning during winter break:

  1. Read with your child and ask them questions about the story.

-This will help your child better understand what they are reading.

  1. Have your child work on Boost for 20 minutes a day.

-The more units they gain, the more they are growing as readers.

  1. Have your child work on Dreambox for 20 minutes a day

-The more lessons they complete the more they are growing as mathematicians.  5 recommended lessons per week. 

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

Case Manager Corner (IEP Support)

How do you  know if the accommodations in their IEP are working?  

You can begin by talking to each teacher to make sure they understand the accommodations and when to use them. Ask them to give you an example of how it would look in a normal class period to see if you’re on the same page.  Check with your child to see if they know what their accommodations are when they’ll be used and how they  can access them. If you’re not comfortable that the teachers or your child are using the accommodations appropriately (or at all!), ask that an IEP team member makes it a priority to follow up. After that, you can keep track of your child’s progress in general and special education via homework, progress reports and by how they are  acting and reacting to school. If it’s not going as well as you expected, it’s a good idea to revisit the accommodations.

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